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Tell readers how to get in touch with you.  Remember that people can connect to your web from anywhere in the world; so provide international versions of telephone and fax numbers.  It's also customary to provide e-mail addresses for key contact points, such as sales and customer support.








Postal Address:

     123 Web Way, Cambridge, MA 02138


Electronic mail:

     General Information: someone@yourweb.com

     Sales: sales@yourweb.com

     Customer Support: support@yourweb.com

     Webmaster: webmaster@yourweb.com


Quick Tutorial: Create a hyperlink to an email address.


FrontPage 2000 Users:

1.  Select either text or a picture

2.  Click Insert Hyperlink .

3.  Click the E-Mail button

4.  Type the email address to which you want the message sent.


FrontPage 2002 Users:

1.  Select either text or a picture.

2.  Click Insert Hyperlink .

3.  On the left side, under Link to, click E-mail Address.

4.  Either type the e-mail address you want in the E-mail address box, or select an e-mail address in the Recently used e-mail addresses box.

5.  In the Subject box, type the subject of the e-mail message.

Note   Some Web browsers and e-mail programs may not recognize the subject line.





Copyright © [Year] [Your company name]